No. 59-5, September 2022
- Don’t turn around, der Kommissar’s in town: Political officers and coups d’état in authoritarian regimes
- Don’t turn around, der Kommissar’s in town: Political officers and coups d’état in authoritarian regimes
- Explaining the timeliness of implementation of truth commission recommendations
- Introducing a new dataset on Designated Terrorist Organizations (DTO)
- Introducing a new dataset on Designated Terrorist Organizations (DTO)
- Introducing the Government-Sponsored Mass Expulsion Dataset
- Oil discoveries, civil war, and preventive state repression
- Oil discoveries, civil war, and preventive state repression
- Re-examining women leaders and military spending
- Stopping state repression: An examination of spells
- Stopping state repression: An examination of spells
- Take a chance: Trust-building across identity groups
- Take a chance: Trust-building across identity groups
- The moral foundations of restraint: Partisanship, military training, and norms of civilian protection
- The self-enforcing dynamics of crime and protection