No. 59-6, November 2022
- CORRIGENDUM to ‘How (wo)men rebel: Exploring the effect of gender equality on nonviolent and armed conflict onset’
- Coup d’état and a democratic signal: The connection between protests and coups after the Cold War
- Does legal aid improve access to justice in ‘fragile’ settings? Evidence from Burundi
- High-risk participation: Demanding peace and justice amid criminal violence
- Introducing MACEDA: New micro-data on an indigenous self-determination conflict
- State weakness and support for ethnic violence in Southern Kyrgyzstan
- Strongmen cry too: The effect of aerial bombing on voting for the incumbent in competitive autocracies
- Tactics of resistance and post-conflict judicial independence
- The causes and consequences of fisheries conflict around the Horn of Africa
- Updating nonviolent campaigns: Introducing NAVCO 2.1
- CORRIGENDUM to ‘How (wo)men rebel: Exploring the effect of gender equality on nonviolent and armed conflict onset’
- Coup d’état and a democratic signal: The connection between protests and coups after the Cold War
- Does legal aid improve access to justice in ‘fragile’ settings? Evidence from Burundi
- High-risk participation: Demanding peace and justice amid criminal violence
- Introducing MACEDA: New micro-data on an indigenous self-determination conflict
- State weakness and support for ethnic violence in Southern Kyrgyzstan
- Strongmen cry too: The effect of aerial bombing on voting for the incumbent in competitive autocracies
- Tactics of resistance and post-conflict judicial independence
- The causes and consequences of fisheries conflict around the Horn of Africa
- Updating nonviolent campaigns: Introducing NAVCO 2.1