No. 58-3, May 2021
- A test of the democratic peacekeeping hypothesis: Coups, democracy, and foreign military deployments
- An interactive model of democratic peace
- Can women benefit from war? Women’s agency in conflict and post-conflict societies
- Compliance without coercion: Effects of reporting on international labor rights
- Determinants of political purges in autocracies: Evidence from ancient Chinese dynasties
- Ethics of archival research on political violence
- Explaining public support for violence against politicians during conflict: Evidence from a panel study in Israel
- For better or worse: Shaming, faming, and human rights abuse
- Gendered preferences: How women’s inclusion in society shapes negotiation occurrence in intrastate conflicts
- How very massive atrocities end: A dataset and typology
- Making disorder more manageable: The short-term effectiveness of local mediation in Darfur
- Mobilizing memories: The social conditions of the long-term impact of victimization
- Pathways to water conflict during drought in the MENA region
- Peacekeeping and development in fragile states: Micro-level evidence from Liberia
- Simulation analysis on the effectiveness of missile defense
- The ethics of ethnographic methods in conflict zones
- The impact of terrorism on international mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from firm-level decisions
- United Nations endorsement and support for human rights: An experiment on women’s rights in Pakistan
- ViEWS2020: Revising and evaluating the ViEWS political Violence Early-Warning System
- What’s going on next door? Irregular leader change in neighboring countries, uncertainty, and civil war