Contract of Service in UK Law
Agency Workers, Employment Rights and the Ebb and Flow of Freedom of Contract
This note discusses two Court of Appeal cases relating to the employment status of temporary agency workers, James v London Borough of Greenwich and Consistent Group v Kalwak. In James the Court co...... ... , James v L ondo n Boroughof Greenwich and Consi stent Group v Kalwak .I n James the Court considered the test for implying a contract of service between temp and end user, and in Kalwak the Court examined the use of ‘sham ’ to set aside contractual do cuments between the parties. The ... ...
The Employee Shareholder
The aim of this paper is to discuss and analyse the impact of the new category of the employee shareholder within the context of the traditional theory of the contract of service and contract for s...... ... shareholder within th e context of the traditional theory of the contract of serv ice and contract for services. A c ommentary on the provisions of ... IN TRODUCTI ONIn modern times, t he contract of service is the contractual framework governing the interaction between master a nd ... ...
Adaptive service e-contract information management reference architecture
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to report on the adaptive e-contract information management reference architecture using the systematic literature review (SLR) method. Enterprises need to effect...
Improving Understanding And Recall Of The Probation Service Contract
Achieving greater compliance with community sentences and licences is an important Probation Service priority. Leigh Morris and Jonathan Mason use IQ test evidence to argue that supervision contrac...
Beyond service quality dimensions in higher education and towards a service contract
Suggests that an essential prerequisite to the design of instruments for measuring quality in higher education is an appreciation of the complexities associated with the nature of quality measureme...
Revenue sharing contract coordination of wind turbine order policy and aftermarket service based on joint effort
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to discuss how wind farms attract wind turbine manufacturers to get involved in wind turbines’ maintenance service with revenue sharing contract of bundled ser...
Complex products and comprehensive service agreements: A case study of outsourcing in contract cities
This study investigates how outsourcing multiple public functions in a single contract increases the complexity of the services rendered under the agreement. We hypothesize that product complexity ...
The Effects of Psychological Contract Fulfilment and Public Service Motivation on Organizational Commitment in the French Civil Service
In a context where French public organizations are confronted with a rise in the demand for high-quality services, with limited financial resources and with a new fo...
Contract Regimes and Reflexive Governance: Comparing Employment Service Reforms in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia
Contemporary debates concerning the nature of ‘new governance’ typically focus upon the shifting roles played by bureaucracies, networks and markets in the provision of public services (Kooiman 199...
... ... employeegV' * but to '' all persons employed under a contract of service."s Whilst this would widen the scope of the ... ...
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