Death Penalty in UK Law
Boyce et Al v R
If their Lordships were called upon to construe section 15(1) of the Constitution, they would be of opinion that it was inconsistent with a mandatory death penalty for murder. The reasoning of the Board in Reyes v The Queen [2002] 2 AC 235, which was in turn heavily influenced by developments in international human rights law and the jurisprudence of a number of other countries, including states in the Caribbean, is applicable and compelling.
Patrick Reyes v The Queen
Matthew v Trinidad and Tobago
On the other hand, simply to leave the sentence to be carried out, subject to the decision of the President, appears to their Lordships unfair to Mr Matthew. He has been given the expectation of a review of his sentence, additional to the possibility of presidential commutation, of which he is now deprived. Their Lordships think that it would be a cruel punishment for him to be executed when that possibility has been officially communicated to him and then been taken away.
Khan v State of Trinidad and Tobago
Such a sentence, mandatorily passed in such circumstances, will be arbitrary and disproportionate. Where a jury have convicted following a direction under section 2A, sentence of death could rarely if ever represent proportionate punishment.
R (Lichniak) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Daniel Dick Trimmingham v The Queen
The first has been expressed in several different formulations, but they all carry the same message, that the death penalty should be imposed only in cases which on the facts of the offence are the most extreme and exceptional, "the worst of the worst" or "the rarest of the rare". The second principle is that there must be no reasonable prospect of reform of the offender and that the object of punishment could not be achieved by any means other than the ultimate sentence of death.
- Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965
Homicide Act 1957
... ... agreement between two or more persons having for its object the death of all of them, whether or not each is to take his own life, but nothing ... 5–12, 13(2) repealed by Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965 (c. 71), Sch ... 10: ... ...
- Caribbean Territories (Abolition of Death Penalty for Murder) Order 1991
Crime (Overseas Production Orders) Act 2019
... ... a person found guilty of a criminal offence may be sentenced to death for the offence under the general criminal law of the country or territory ... Such an offence is referred to in subsection (7) as a death penalty offence ... ...
- Racism and white death penalty support
A dialogue on death penalty dignity
The concept of ‘dignity’ has always played an important role in the opinions written by members of the US Supreme Court in capital punishment cases. However, the justices have failed to agree about...
A critique of contemporary death penalty abolitionism
This essay seeks to show what is occluded by contemporary arguments in favor of abolishing the death penalty in the United States. Following an exposition of the arg...
Global support for the death penalty
The recently released Gallup International 2000 Millennium Survey Poll collected data from individuals residing in 59 countries. The focus of this research was to analyze these data to examine whet...
New Blog to Check Out: Artists vs. Death Penalty
There’s a new blog to check out for those who are interested in the death penalty, published by Athina Ouranidou. It’s entitled “Artists vs. Death Penalty.” Athina is in her final year as a law s...
Commutation vs. Resentencing Hearings in Death Penalty Cases
As President Biden takes office, activists against the federal death penalty are hopeful that he will commute the death sentences of those who sit on the Federal Death Row. See, e.g., “Dems Squad ...
Alamo Pictures: UK Professor Vivien Miller Discusses Death Penalty in America
Mannie Ponoc of UK’s Alamo Pictures shared this recent documentary podcast with us where Professor Vivien Miller of the University of Nottingham discusses the history of capital punishment in Ameri...
Recommended Video: Ted Talk on U.S.Death Penalty
Recommended Video: a February 2016 TED Talk given by Nick McKeown, a Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. As a college student in the United Kingdom, Mc...