Forced Labour in UK Law
R v Sk
Where "forced or compulsory labour" is concerned, the menace of a penalty can be exerted in various ways. Constraint can be mental or physical. Where it is alleged that one person has been compulsorily employed by another, the level of pay he or she has received, if any, may have evidential importance. It may point to coercion; it may bear on an employee's ability to escape from his or her employer's control. On its own, however, a derisory level of wages is not tantamount to coercion.
William Connors and Others v R
The problem has been with us for some time, and has been growing. Unhappily different forms of exploitation are found in the sex industry, the construction industry, agriculture and residential care. Nevertheless, this legislation, too did not address the entire problem. The end result was that many men and women continued to remain vulnerable to exploitation without any counter-balancing protection against exploitation.
Exploitation of fellow human beings in any of the ways criminalised by the legislation represents deliberate degrading of a fellow human being or human beings. It is far from straight forward for them even to complain about the way they are being treated, let alone to report their plight to the authorities so that the offenders might be brought to justice.
White v White
Ullah v Secretary of State for the Home Department
As (Afghanistan) v Secretary of State for The Home Department
This decision could be said to be questionable in that Ms Farrell appears to have accepted AS's account of what actually happened to him namely that he was kept captive and required to work until "the debt" was repaid. Although this appears on any view to be "forced labour", Ms Farrell seems to think that it would only be forced labour if suffered by someone under 18.
MS (Trafficking – Tribunal’s Powers – Art. 4 ECHR)
(56) In addition, in its assessment that the Appellant worked due to economic necessity, the Authority failed to recognise that this was not inconsistent with continuing exploitation, manipulation and forced labour. Further, the Authority placed disproportional weight on the failure of this frightened, isolated mid-teenager recently exposed to the culture and language of an alien country to make a formal complaint to the police.
Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015
... ... make provision about human trafficking and slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour, including provision about offences and sentencing, ... ...
Modern Slavery Act 2015
... ... An Act to make provision about slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour and about human trafficking, including provision for ... ...
Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010
... ... Slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour ... F11 47: Slavery, servitude and forced or ... ...
Bermuda Constitution Order 1968
... ... 4. Protection from slavery and forced labour ... 5. Protection from arbitrary arrest or detention ... 6 ... ...
Human trafficking and forced labour. A criticism of the International Labour Organisation
Purpose: During the last ten years, the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and some other international organizations, have increasingly addressed human trafficking from a “forced labour” per...
Combating Slavery, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking. Are Current International, European and National Instruments Working?
All throughout history, slavery has been a constant and a key factor in economic development. Also for many centuries slavery and forced labour was legal. Only from the beginning of the 20th centur...
Creative Recourse in Cases of Forced Labour: Using Human Trafficking, Human Rights and Labour Law to Protect Migrant Workers
Canada has no legislation prohibiting forced labour, relying instead on human trafficking penal dispositions; the two are intimately related. However, there has only been one conviction for human t...
- Leveraging International Legal and Human Rights Mechanisms: Efforts to End Forced Labour in Burma/Myanmar
Can Forced-Labour Goods Trigger UK Money Laundering Violations?
A court recently found that UK authorities did not fetter their discretion by not investigating general cotton imports potentially produced by the forced labour of Uyghur people in China. By Stuart...
Can Forced-Labour Goods Trigger UK Money Laundering Violations?
A court recently found that UK authorities did not fetter their discretion by not investigating general cotton imports potentially produced by the forced labour of Uyghur people in China. By Stuart...
Forced Labour and Human Trafficking: NewObligation to Publish Annual Statement
A new obligation has been introduced requiring large commercial organisations operating in the United Kingdom to publish a “slavery and human trafficking statement” at the end of each financial year.
- Products Of Forced Labour: Actions For Businesses Selling Into (And From) The EU