Private Equity in UK Law
Brexit, Private Equity and Management
We analyse the expected impact of Brexit on private equity and its implications for management research. Specifically, we explore the implications for private equity funds and funding, and at the p...
Private equity and corporate governance in India
Purpose: Developing economies that are subject to global influences, such as through exposure to global product, labor and capital markets, may be expected to practice higher standards of corporate...
Real estate private equity: the case of US unlisted REITs
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how fixed‐share prices, as a structural flaw in private equity funds targeted to small‐unit investors, economically disadvantages those investor...
European private equity real estate compliance under the AIFMD
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) on European private equity real estate (PERE) industry. Design/methodology...
Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds under Scrutiny in the Netherlands
Last year the Dutch Enterprise Chamber (Ondernemingskamer) of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal (DEC) ruled in several inquiry procedures (enquêteprocedures) with regard to companies wherein a private ...
The impact of M&A transactions from private equity and hedge funds. Empirical evidence from Austria and Switzerland
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions from private equity and hedge funds. Owing to the recent financial and economic crisis, there ...
Country of Origin Effects and New Financial Actors: Private Equity Investment and Work and Employment Practices of French Firms
This is a study of the effects of alternative investors on a range of work and employment practices in France, paying specific attention to whether investors are indigenous or not. We use data from...
Private equity: a debt to society?
...For an industry that has typically operated well below the radar, the unprecedented level of scrutiny that private equity is facing must be an unwelcome intrusion into its day-to-day business: making pots of cash The UK's buy-out houses have always ......
Private label brands: measuring equity across consumer segments
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to provide evidence that private label brands (PLB) have the ability to build brand equity as they develop, and to determine whether the capitalization of PLB equi...
Implications of Financial Capitalism for Employment Relations Research: Evidence from Breach of Trust and Implicit Contracts in Private Equity Buyouts
An increasing share of the economy is organized around financial capitalism, where capital market actors actively manage their claims on wealth creation and distribution to maximize shareholder val...
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