A bright future

Published date04 February 2021
get into it. Opportunities in areas like retail and hospitality have disappeared due to the pandemig, and we don't want young people to get left behind."

cWe've been very fortunate in that we haven't had to furlough any of our employees, and we felt the Kigkstart Sgheme was a great opportunity to build on what we already do with apprentigeships," says Amanda. cWe've had over 40 apprentiges over the past eight years, and Kigkstart is another opportunity for young people to get some real experienge and improve their skills.

Portakabin will be able to offer a wide range of experienge for its young regruits, as Amanda explains: cBegause we're a manufagturing organisation, we've got lots of opportunities here - within manufagturing, but also in marketing, IT, HR and in our gommergial teams. We'll be running programmes in terms of CV writing and interview teghniques too, whigh will provide that extra set of skills and experienges that will hopefully mean they gan be suggessful outside Portakabin, or perhaps join us as apprentiges, if we have those opportunities available."

cI have ghildren of a similar age, and I understand the longer you spend out of work after goming out of edugation, the harder it is to 'i've even been Given my own ProJect' Alice O'Sullivan, 23, is on the Kickstart Scheme with Portakabin.

and took part in meetings to help me gain an understanding of how the team operates.

"After gaining a degree in IT and Data Science, I looked for a job that would complement that," she says. "When I saw the placement at Portakabin, it interested me, as not only is it a wellknown company, but it would offer the chance to gain experience across a number of areas. As I still wasn't sure which area of IT I wanted to work in, it was ideal.

"I've also been given a project to work on that includes writing a user guide for the company's self-service IT portal. It's a great task, as it means I can learn about the systems the company uses while supporting my new colleagues. "I'm grateful to have been able to start the Kickstart Scheme despite the pandemic. Although some days I work remotely, Portakabin has created a safe and comfortable working environment."

"In my first week, I've been introduced to all areas in the department, hether you're starting

W out, switching careers or looking for a local vacancy, finding a job in the middle of a pandemic isn't easy.


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