Negotiated compliance at the street level: Personalizing immunization in England, Israel and Sweden
Author | Kate Warren,Anat Gofen,Catherine E. Needham,Ulrika Winblad,Paula Blomqvist |
Date | 01 March 2019 |
Published date | 01 March 2019 |
DOI | |
Negotiated compliance at the street level:
Personalizing immunization in England, Israel
and Sweden
Anat Gofen
| Paula Blomqvist
| Catherine E. Needham
Kate Warren
| Ulrika Winblad
School of Public Policy and Government,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Department of Political Science, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden
Health Services Management Centre,
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
Department of Public Health and Nursing
Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Anat Gofen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
School of Public Policy and Government,
Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, 91905 Israel.
Often portrayed as behaviour that is inconsistent with policy goals,
public noncompliance poses a significant challenge for government.
To explore what compliance efforts entail on the ground, this study
focuses on childhood immunization as a paradigmatic case where a
failure to ensure compliance poses a public health risk. The analysis
draws on 48 semi-structured interviews with frontline nurses and
regional/national public health officials in England (N= 15), Sweden
(N= 17) and Israel (N= 16), all of which have experienced periodic
noncompliance spikes, but differ in direct delivery of vaccination
provision. Compliance efforts emerged as a joint decision-making
process in which improvisatory practices of personalized appeals
are deployed to accommodate parents’concerns, termed here
‘street-level negotiation’. Whereas compliance is suggestive of
compelling citizens’adherence to standardized rules, compliance
negotiation draws attention to the limited resources street-level
workers have when encountering noncompliance and to
policy-clients’influence on delivery arrangements when holding
discretionary power over whether or not to comply.
Often portrayed as behaviours consistent with policy aims, public compliance with policy is essential to the success
of implementation (Bardach and Kagan 1982; May 2004; Weimer 2006; Weaver 2014, 2015). Noncompliance with
policy is conventionally considered a ‘negative’reaction by policy-targets, which follows the introduction of a policy,
and is therefore mainly considered as an implementation problem that should be corrected by the administration
(Baggott 1986; May 2004; Weimer 2006). Thus, the current literature tends to employ a ‘top-down’perspective on
the formal instruments implemented by government in response to noncompliance (Gofen 2015). Moreover, in the
context of citizens-targets, the current literature often refers to well-documented compliance barriers and
Received: 17 April 2018 Revised: 9 August 2018 Accepted: 17 September 2018
DOI: 10.1111/padm.12557
Public Administration. 2019;97:195–209. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 195
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