Neighbourhood Planning
Author | William Webster |
Pages | 65-79 |
Chapter 3
Neighbourhood Planning
3.1 The neighbourhood planning system was introduced by the Localism Act 2011 (LA 2011).
3.2 Neighbourhood planning: (a) allows local communities to set planning policies through a neighbourhood plan that will be used in the determination of planning applications by the LPA; and (b) facilitates the grant of planning permission for specific development through a neighbourhood development order within a particular neighbourhood area.
3.3 Neighbourhood planning is not a legal requirement but a right which communities in England can choose to use (unless they decide that they could achieve the outcomes they want to see through other planning routes, such as incorporating their proposals for their neighbourhood into the local plan).
3.4 Neighbourhood planning is becoming very popular. As at 3/8/2017, a total of 328 neighbourhood plans had been adopted in England.
61E–61Q. Schedules 10 and 11 also insert new Schs 4B and 4C into the same Act. These sections allow for planning permission to be granted through neighbourhood development orders. Schedule 9, Pt 2 amends PCPA 2004 to provide for a neighbourhood development plan. The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/637) provide for procedural matters in connection with neighbourhood planning.
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3.5 To help deliver neighbourhood plans, communities drawing up a neighbourhood plan or order which secures the consent of local people in a referendum will benefit from 25% of the revenues from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) arising from the development that takes place in their area.
3.6 It is also worth noting that the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (NPPF)
take a proactive and positive approach to proposals (for neighbourhood development orders and community right to build orders), working collaboratively with community organisations to resolve any issues before draft orders are submitted for examination. Policies (in the NPPF) that relate to decision-taking should be read as applying to the consideration of proposed neighbourhood development orders, whenever this is appropriate given the context and relevant legislation.
3.7 A neighbourhood development order can grant planning permission for specific types of development in a specific neighbourhood area.
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neighbourhood development order. An LPA to whom a proposal for the making of a neighbourhood development has been made must make the order as soon as reasonably practicable after a referendum has been held where more than half those voting have voted in favour of the order.
Authority to initiate the process
3.8 Only a parish council is authorised to act in relation to a neighbourhood area if the area includes the whole or any part of the area of the council.
3.9 In areas where there is no parish council only an organisation or body which has been designated by the LPA as a neighbourhood forum for the neighbourhood area may put forward proposals.
environmental wellbeing of an area that consists of or includes the neighbourhood area concerned;
(b) its membership is open to individuals who live or work within the neighbourhood area concerned and individuals who are elected members of a county council or London borough any of whose area falls within the neighbourhood area; (c) its membership includes a minimum of 21 individuals, each of whom lives or works in the neighbourhood area or is an elected member of a county council, district council or London borough whose area falls within the neighbourhood area concerned; (d) it has a written constitution. A designation ceases to have effect after five years (s 61F(8)). The LPA may also withdraw an organisation or body’s designation (s 61F(9)). Regulations concerning the process to be followed concerning the designation of neighbourhood areas can be found in Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Pt 2. Regulations concerning the process to be followed concerning the designation of neighbourhood forums can be found in Pt 3. The above 2012 Regulations have been subject to amendments by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/20) and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2016 (SI 2016/873). The meaning and relationship between s 61F (authorisation to act in relation to neighbourhood areas) and s 61G (the meaning of a neighbourhood area) was considered in R (Daws Hill Neighbourhood Forum) v Wycombe District Council [2014] EWCA Civ 228.
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on business in the area. If, however, it refuses to designate a neighbourhood area then it must similarly publicise this fact to people living and working in the area. The LPA must also give reasons for its refusal and make the document setting out its reasons available for public inspection.
Contents of a neighbourhood development order
3.10 There is a wide ambit to what the order can do. It can grant planning permission (with or without conditions or limitations)
(d) prescribed development or development of a prescribed description; and (e) development within a prescribed area or an area of prescribed description.
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