Planning Conditions

AuthorWilliam Webster

Chapter 8

Planning Conditions


8.1 Planning guidance on the use of conditions is found in the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) in the section, ‘Use of Planning Conditions’.1It is made plain that planning conditions are imposed to enhance development where it would otherwise have been necessary to refuse permission by mitigating the adverse effects of the development. It is said that the objectives of planning are best served when the power to attach conditions to a planning permission is exercised in a way that is clearly seen to be fair, reasonable and practicable. It is also important to ensure that conditions are tailored to tackle specific problems, as opposed to being standardised or used to impose broad and unnecessary controls.


8.2 In granting planning permission local planning authorities (LPAs) are authorised to impose ‘such conditions as they think fit’.2Government policy on

1NPPG at Paragraph: 001 Reference ID: 21a-001-20140306 to 21a-034-20140306.

2TCPA 1990, s 70(1)(a). The principal powers for the imposition of conditions can be found in TCPA 1990, ss 70 and 72 (s 72(1)(a) enables an LPA to impose conditions regulating the development or use of land under the control of the applicant even though it is outside the site which is the subject of the application); s 73 (which provides for applications for planning permission to develop land without complying with conditions previously imposed on a planning permission); s 73A (which provides, amongst other things, for retrospective planning applications to be made in respect of development which has been carried out without permission, and for applications for planning permission to authorise development which has been carried out without complying with some planning condition to which it was subject); and Sch 5. Sections 91 and 92 require the imposition of time-limiting conditions on grants of planning permission. Powers to impose conditions are also conferred on the Secretaries of State or their inspectors under ss 77, 79 and 177, and Sch 6. Unless the condition provides otherwise, planning permission runs with

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the use of conditions is to be found in the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (NPPF) at paragraphs 203 and 206 in the section ‘Decision-taking’. Paragraph 203 states that LPAs ‘should consider whether unacceptable development could be made acceptable through the use of conditions’. Paragraph 206 states that planning conditions ‘should only be imposed where they are necessary, relevant to planning, and to the development to be permitted, enforceable, precise, and reasonable in all other respects’.3

8.3 These are the so-called six tests which must all be satisfied each time a decision to grant planning permission subject to conditions is made. These tests are set out alongside what are described as the key questions in the NPPG in the section, ‘Use of Planning Conditions’.4

8.4 For instance: (a) in relation to the test of whether the condition is relevant to the development to be permitted, the key considerations are: (i) it is not sufficient that a condition is related to planning objectives: it must also be justified by the nature of the impact of the development permitted; and (ii) a condition cannot be imposed in order to remedy a pre-existing problem or issue not created by the proposed development; and (b) in relation to whether a condition is reasonable, the key considerations are: (i) whether the condition place an unjustifiable and disproportionate burden on an applicant; and (ii) an unreasonable condition cannot be used to make development that is unacceptable in planning terms acceptable.


8.5 The NPPG in the section, ‘Use of Planning Conditions’, states5that conditions should not be used in the following circumstances:

(a) conditions which unreasonably impact on the deliverability of a development;

the land, and any conditions imposed on the permission will bind successors in title. In some areas, there may also be powers under local Acts which complement or vary the powers contained in the 1990 Act.

3In Aberdeen City and Shire Strategic Development Planning Authority v Elsick Development

Company Ltd [2017] UKSC 66, the Supreme Court reaffirmed the three-fold test that conditions:
(a) must serve a planning purpose; (b) must be fairly and reasonably related to the development; and (c) must not otherwise be unreasonable in the Wednesbury sense.

4NPPG at Paragraph: 004 Reference ID: 21a-004-20140306.

5NPPG at Paragraph: 005 Reference ID: 21a-005-20140306.

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(b) conditions reserving outline application details;6

(c) conditions requiring the development to be carried out in its entirety;7

(d) conditions requiring compliance with other regulatory requirements (e.g. Building Regulations, Environmental Protection Act 1990);8

(e) conditions requiring land to be given up or ceded to other parties, such as the highway authority;

(f) positively worded conditions requiring payment of money or other consideration.9

8.6 For non-outline applications, other than where it will clearly assist with the efficient and effective delivery of development, it is important that the LPA limits the use of conditions requiring its approval of further matters after permission has been granted. This may be justified, for instance, in the case of aspects of the development that are not fully described in the application, such as the provision of car parking spaces.10

8.7 Conditions which prevent the carrying out of any development authorised by the planning permission until the condition has been complied with should only be used with care and where the LPA is satisfied that the requirements of the condition are so fundamental to the permitted development that it would have been otherwise necessary to refuse the whole permission. Clearly, development carried out without having complied with a condition precedent would be unlawful and may be the subject of enforcement action.11

6Where details have been submitted as part of an outline planning application, they must be treated by the LPA as forming part of the development for which the application is being made. Conditions cannot be used to reserve these details for subsequent approval. The exception is where the applicant has made it clear that the details have been submitted for illustrative purposes only.

7Such a condition will fail the test of necessity by requiring more than is needed to deal with the problem it is designed to solve. Such a condition is also likely to be difficult to enforce due to the range of external factors that can influence a decision as to whether to carry out and complete a development.

8Conditions requiring compliance with other regulatory regimes will not meet the test of necessity and may not be relevant to planning.

9Although it may be possible to use a negatively worded condition to prohibit development authorised by a planning condition until a specified action has been taken (e.g. the entering into of a planning obligation requiring the payment of a financial contribution towards the provision of supporting infrastructure).

10NPPG at Paragraph: 006 Reference ID: 21a-006-20140306.

11NPPG at Paragraph: 007 Reference ID: 21a-007-20140306. Problems arise where operations are carried out in breach of a condition precedent which prevent them from qualifying as commencing development (see F.G. Whitley & Sons v Secretary of State for Wales (1992) 64 P & CR 296). There are recognised exceptions to this rule, and it now appears to be settled law that even if one of the special circumstances’ exceptions cannot be relied on, a developer might still be able to

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8.8 Where the circumstances make this necessary and the six tests are met, conditions can be imposed to ensure that a development proceeds in a certain sequence.12

8.9 Conditions requiring works on land which is not controlled by the applicant, or which require the consent or authorisation of a third party, often fail the tests of reasonability and enforceability. It may, however, be possible to achieve a similar result using a condition worded in a negative form (known as a Grampian condition),13namely prohibiting development authorised by the planning permission or other aspects linked to the planning permission (e.g. the
argue that a decision by the LPA to bring enforcement proceedings would be open to judicial review on grounds of irrationality. See R (Hammerton) v London Underground Ltd [2002] EWHC 2307 (Admin) (endorsed in the Court of Appeal in R (Prokopp) v London Underground Ltd [2004] 1 P & CR 31 and (obiter) by Court of Appeal in Norris v First Secretary of State and Stoke on Trent CC [2006] JPL 1574) and R (Hart Aggregates Ltd) v Hartlepool BC [2005] EWHC 840 (Admin), where most of the authorities are reviewed. See also the sequential test advanced in the Encyclopedia of Planning at the end of P56.13.6.

12NPPG at Paragraph: 008 Reference ID: 21a-008-20140306.

13The principle of a negative condition was approved by the HL in Grampian Regional Council v City of Aberdeen District Council (1983) 47 P & CR 633, where planning permission for industrial development was granted subject to a condition that the developer was not to proceed until a nearby road had been closed. If the works fall within an existing highway or require the use of land which is not owned by the developer (or both), the highway authority will often agree to execute the works pursuant to Highways Act 1980, s 278 (provided the ‘public...

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