North East special schools: Schools catering for SEN and disabilities and how Ofsted rate them; Website addresses and information for special educational needs and disabilities schools in Tyneside, Durham, Sunderland and Northumberland.

Byline: Hannah Graham

This is how inspectors rate the North East schools offering specific provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

The following list covers the state schools listed under the 'special schools' category on the Ofsted website for our area for which reports are available, and offers a brief summary of their most recent inspection report.

We've included the web addresses of all the schools listed so you can easily check who they cater for.

Schools which have converted to academies and haven't had an inspection since will not be included.

All information is based on the school's latest Ofsted reports and is accurate as of July 27, 2018.

Hadrian School, Newcastle: Described as an "exceptional special school" this school works closely with other organisations to achieve strong outcomes for its pupils. Relationships are "nurturing and caring" and the important role of parents is recognised. Many parents say the school has "transformed their child's life".

Age range: 2-11

Last inspection: 2018


Percy Hedley School, Newcastle: Staff give pupils the "confidence and skills to achieve their individual potential" and have an excellent understanding of their medical and health needs. Provision is "excellent" and pupils' families get significant support.

Age range: 3-19

Last inspection: 2018


Hexham Priory School, Northumberland: The needs of every child are firmly at the centre of the school's work, inspectors say, and staff embody the school's motto: "Never underestimate a child's ability". Therapy targets are embedded into educational targets, and the most able pupils are to develop their independence skills, while those pupils who have complex needs are supported effectively.

Age range: 2-19

Last inspection: 2018


Columbia Grange School, Washington: With an "excellent nurturing environment" this school strikes an "excellent balance" between meeting children's welfare needs while helping them to learn and achieve the best they can. Lessons help pupils make "rapid" progress.

Age range: 2-11

Last inspection: 2016


Epinay Business and Enterprise School, Jarrow: "Pupils are keen to learn and have very positive attitudes in lessons," inspectors say. Teaching is outstanding and teachers plan extremely well to engage their interests. Pupils also develop important wider skills, for example, their communication skills are very good, and their behaviour is excellent.

Age range: 4-19

Last inspection: 2018


Eslington Primary School, Gateshead: Pupils "thrive and make great progress" thanks to "determined, visionary leadership", inspectors say. They are "safe and secure in this nurturing school" and improve in confidence, learning and self esteem, often from previous "unsatisfactory" school experiences.

Age range: 4-11

Last inspection: 2017


Cleaswell Hill School, Choppington, Northumberland: All children make "sustained and substantial progress" and the "highly effective" personalised support packages include a wide range of therapeutic interventions. Pupils develop personally and learn how to be physically and emotionally healthy.

Age range: 2 to 19

Last inspection: 2017


The Grove Special School, Berwick-upon-Tweed: All students achieve their "full potential", and their behaviour and attitudes are "excellent".

"Experienced and well-trained staff" offer "exceptionally" good care, while teaching assistants are a particular strength of the school. The outstanding curriculum includes especially good technology, arts and sports.

Age range: 2-19

Last inspection: 2015` Website:

The Dales School, Blyth: Pupils make "exceptional" progress from where they start, teaching is always good and often excellent. Pupils get better and better as they spend more time at the school and by year 6...

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