Vane v Yiannopoullos
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Judge | Lord Reid,Lord Evershed,Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest,Lord Hodson,Lord Donovan |
Judgment Date | 19 November 1964 |
Judgment citation (vLex) | [1964] UKHL J1119-3 |
Court | House of Lords |
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17 cases
St Regis Paper Company Ltd v The Crown
...principle that liability can be imposed by virtue of delegating responsibility for undertaking statutory duties was doubted in Vane v Iannopoulos [1965] AC 486. But despite the advocacy of Mr Crowther, it is unlikely to be extended, as the author of Smith & Hogan suggests. It certainly ......
- John Charles v Llewellyn Skeete Supernumerary Constable
- Odyssey Re (London) Ltd and Another (Claimants/Appellants) v Oic Run-off Ltd (Formerly Orion Insurance Company Plc)
Tesco Supermarkets Ltd v Nattrass an individual is another matter. It has been recognised in licensing cases but that is in my view anomalous (see Vane v. Yanopoulus [1965] A.C. 486). 30The latest important authority is Series v. Poole [1969] 1 Q.B. 676. That was an appeal against the dismissal of an information that t......
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4 books & journal articles
Divisional Court was whether the manager was empowered to delegate, andwhether he had delegated his powers as licensee. In Vane v Yiannopoulos[1965] AC 486, it was stated in the House of Lords that the licensee'sresponsibility for acts done in his absence without his knowledge isanomalous. In that case......
Parliamentary sovereignty and parliamentary oddity
...courts have in effect legislated to fill the gap, 1 chink we should leave matters as they are. 42 40 (l832) 6 Cl & Fin 133 at p.l72. 41 [1965]A.C. 486 at p.498. 42 But see Major and St. Mellons R.D.C. v. Newport Corportion [1952] A.C. 189 at p. 191, where Lord Simonds cook Lord Denning to t......
In the Scottish Courts
...Courtsmay adoptthesame attitude to vicarious responsibility inoffences requiring "knowledge" as is implied in Vane v.Yiannopoulos [1964] 3 W.L.R. 1218, Supra, 112).Theaccused in Thornley was a licensee who was con-victed of knowingly allowing a person under 18 to drink on hispremises, the d......
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