Court Structure in UK Law
Rookes v Barnard
It extends to cases in which the Defendant is seeking to gain at the expense of the Plaintiff some object,—perhaps some property which he covets,—which either he could not obtain at all or not obtain except at a price greater than he wants to put down. Exemplary damages can properly be awarded whenever it is necessary to teach a wrongdoer that tort does not pay.
Rainy Sky SA and Others v Kookmin Bank
If there are two possible constructions, the court is entitled to prefer the construction which is consistent with business common sense and to reject the other.
Antaios Compania Naviera S.A. v Salen Rederierna A.B.
Huang v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Abu-Qulbain v Same; Kashmiri v Same
In an article 8 case where this question is reached, the ultimate question for the appellate immigration authority is whether the refusal of leave to enter or remain, in circumstances where the life of the family cannot reasonably be expected to be enjoyed elsewhere, taking full account of all considerations weighing in favour of the refusal, prejudices the family life of the applicant in a manner sufficiently serious to amount to a breach of the fundamental right protected by article 8.
Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd and another
What is clear from these cases is that there is not, so to speak, a limit to the amount of red ink or verbal rearrangement or correction which the court is allowed. All that is required is that it should be clear that something has gone wrong with the language and that it should be clear what a reasonable person would have understood the parties to have meant. In my opinion, both of these requirements are satisfied.
M'Alister or Donoghue (Pauper) v Stevenson
You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. The answer seems to be persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called in question.
Three Rivers District Council v Governor and Company of the Bank of England (No. 3)
This is an organic development, which fits into the structure of our law governing intentional torts. The policy underlying it is sound: reckless indifference to consequences is as blameworthy as deliberately seeking such consequences. It can therefore now be regarded as settled law that an act performed in reckless indifference as to the outcome is sufficient to ground the tort in its second form.
- Equal Pay Act 1970
London Building Acts (Amendment) Act 1939
... ... build or to execute work to in or upon a building cont. or structure or where no person is so employed the owner of the building or structure; ... 31. Where it is proved to the satisfaction of the Past IV. court before which proceedings are taken by the Council cont. or a metropolitan ... ...
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018
... ... (1) For each diocese there is to continue to be a court of the bishop of the diocese ... (2) The court is to continue to be ... building,(b) a monument within the curtilage, or(c) an object or structure forming part of the land within the curtilage which is used wholly or ... ...
London Building Act 1894
... ... includes any highway and any road bridge lane mews footway square court alley passage whether a thoroughfare or not and a part of any such highway ... The expression " party structure" means a party wall and also a partition floor or other structure ... ...
Indigenous storytelling and admissibility in common law courts: Developing the protocols for the reception theory of evidence
The claims for the restitution of legal estate by the Indigenous peoples are often without the benefit of a written agreement when they have to prove a spatial and temporal connection with ancestra...... ... historicalrecords is in the absence of documentary evidence and the court has to be convinced of theprobative value of the evidence before the oral ... which does not strain the Canadian legal and constitutional structure’.58In Delgamuukw vBritish Columbia,59the Supreme Court considered the ... ...
Indigenous storytelling and admissibility in common law courts: Developing the protocols for the reception theory of evidence
The claims for the restitution of legal estate by the Indigenous peoples are often without the benefit of a written agreement when they have to prove a spatial and temporal connection with ancestra...... ... historicalrecords is in the absence of documentary evidence and the court has to be convinced of theprobative value of the evidence before the oral ... which does not strain the Canadian legal and constitutional structure.58In Delgamuukw vBritish Columbia,59the Supreme Court considered the ... ...
More Consistency and Legal Certainty in the Private Law Acquis: A Plea for Better Justification for the Harmonization of Private Law
The use of Article 114 TFEU to harmonize private law seems to be based on standard justifications that have facilitated legislative practices that may undermine the quality of the private law acqui...... ... would be more attention paid to the availability of a hierarchical court structure and enforcement mechanisms, as these elements may signi cantly a ... ...
The Italian Constitutional Court and the constitutionality of the criminalisation of assisted suicide of patients suffering from serious and incurable diseases
On 16 November 2018, the Italian Constitutional Court addressed for the first time the controversial issue of the constitutionality of the criminalisation of assisted suicide of patients suffering ...... ... to safeguardingthe patients freely given consent more vigorously, decreases the possible risks of slipperyslope.36(2) Methodological structure of the argument underlying the ordinanceRegarding the methodological structure of the ordinance, it should be noted that theConstitutional Court ... ...
- Scottish Government Decides That Civil Court Fees Do Not Impede Access To Justice; No Substantive Change To Court Fee Structure
Corporate Trustees and Cash Managers: can historic miscalculations and underpayments be an Event of Default? The English High Court’s first decision on CMBS Class X Notes
We now have the English High Court’s first judgment concerning the position of Class X Notes in a CMBS structure. The rights of the Class X Notes in the Windermere VII CMBS were considered by the C...... We now have the English High Court’s first judgment concerning the position of Class X Notes in a CMBS structure. The rights of the Class X Notes in the Windermere VII CMBS were considered by the Court in Hayfin Opal Luxco 3 S.A.R.L v Windermere VII CMBS plc ... ...
English High Court reaffirms dominant purpose requirement for claims to litigation privilege
In the recent decision of The Financial Reporting Council Limited v Frasers Group Plc, the English High Court held that documents detailing advice received from accountants in respect of a company’...... ... v Frasers Group Plc1, the English High Court held that documents detailing advice received from accountants in respect of a company’s tax structure were not protected from disclosure by litigation privilege because they were not prepared for the sole or dominant purpose of litigation, ... ...
To Be or Not to Be a Listed Building – Now That is a Valid Question
The Supreme Court has provided clarity and guidance on what constitutes a ‘building’ for the purpose of whether structures can be heritage listed, and has confirmed that when appealing listed build......The Supreme Court has provided clarity and guidance on what constitutes a ‘building’ for ... enforcement proceedings, this can include challenging whether a structure should have been included on the ‘list’. This decision raises a number ... ...
Form T384
Lands Chamber (Upper Tribunal) forms including appeals forms.... ... my/our land which would be caused by the erection of an opaque structure ... on all the boundaries of my/our land ... ... ...
Ask the court to make a non-molestation order or an occupation order
Family forms including the form to apply for a non-molestation order or an occupation order (Form FL401).... ... (A) A dwelling-house includes any building or part of a building ... which is occupied as a dwelling; any caravan, houseboat or ... structure which is occupied as a dwelling; and any yard, garden, ... garage or outhouse belonging to it and occupied with it ... The rights are― ... (C) & ... ...