Hearing in UK Law
- The Hearing
- The Hearing
Hearing voices and befriending schemes
Purpose: This Research Watch seeks to summarise two recent research papers. The first examines the case for understanding hearing voices as part of normal experience, while the second looks at befr...
- Awaiting Court Hearing
A fair ‘hearing’
Voice identification evidence, identifying an offender by the sound of their voice, is sometimes the only means of identifying someone who has committed a crime. Auditory memory is, however, associ...
Qualitatively exploring hearing voices network support groups
Purpose: – The distress that is associated with auditory hallucinations, or voices, is well documented. However, increasingly research into this phenomenon is also capturing those who cope with the...
‘Hearing the Right Gaps’
The barriers that prevent or delay female victims of sexual assault from disclosing to criminal justice authorities, and the obstacles that often disincline professional and lay decision-makers fro...
- The Preliminary Hearing: Canadian Practice
Digital information resources: use and perceptions of deaf and hearing students
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of the internet among deaf and hearing students. The study also explores the perceptions of students toward the internet, online databas...
- The Right to a Newton Hearing
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