Waste in UK Law
Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Parkwood Landfill Ltd
A government White Paper of December 1995 entitled "Making Waste Work" (CM3040) preceded the imposition of landfill tax. It examined the strategies to be adopted to reduce the environmental impact of waste disposal. So far as landfill was concerned, three main objectives were set out. First, to reduce the amount of waste; second to reduce the amount of material going to landfill and third to place the cost of landfill on the person disposing of the waste.
The Commissioners also submitted that there was nothing in the statute which suggested that material which had been discarded as waste ceased to be waste because it had been successfully recycled. There need be no change in chemical substance to convert waste into a useful product. This is recognised by Parliament in its drive to promote recycling rather than disposal and is recognised by the cumulative effect of section 40(2).
That cannot have been the intention of Parliament when they introduced the landfill tax. The purpose of the legislation was to tax waste material deposited at landfill sites and not to tax deposits at landfill sites of useful material produced from waste material.
Environment Agency v Inglenorth Ltd
In my judgment, those findings of fact entirely support the decision that the Justices came to that upon its deposit at the Cheadle Garden Centre this material was not waste. It was no more waste when it was delivered to the Cheadle site upon those findings of fact then would be hardcore delivered to my drive for me to use to mend the drive or to use as a subbase for my garage floor for concrete to be put on top of it.
R v Daventry District Council ex parte Thornby Farms; R v Derbyshire County Council ex parte Murray
However, provided the objective is kept in mind, decisions in which the decisive consideration has not been the contribution they make to the achievement of the objective may still be lawful. I do not in any event favour an attempt to create a hierarchy of material considerations whereby the law would require decision makers to give different weight to different considerations.
R (Oss Group Ltd) v Environment Agency; Solvent Resource Management Ltd v Environment Agency
Understandably, the court has held that a material does not cease to be waste merely because it has come into the hands of someone who intends to put it to a new use. But that should not be because it still meets the Article 1(a) definition in his hands; but rather because, in accordance with the aims of the Directive, material which was originally waste needs to continue to be so treated until acceptable recovery or disposal has been achieved.
Castle Cement v Environment Agency
Furthermore, the removal of unwanted substances from the material would not of itself cause something to cease to be waste. Whether it does would normally be a question of fact and degree. For example, as indicated above, one would not expect a pure metal recovered from a production process and indistinguishable from the metal produced from natural ore to be regarded as waste.
Transitioning towards circular systems: property rights in waste
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact that property rights can have on the implementation of circular waste economies, in which waste is reused, recycled or recovered, within ...
Public waste and private property. An enquiry into the economics of solid waste in Calcutta
Perceptions of solid waste management in India belong to a tradition of thought which dates back to the early nineteenth century. Solid waste is often thought of as a purely municipal problem. The ...
Waste management regulation: policy solutions and policy shortcomings
A model of packaging waste management is presented to explore the policy options available to governments to implement waste regulation in light of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Our m...
Waste Elimination: The Common Denominator for Improving
Waste is defined as anything other than the minimum amount of resources which are absolutely essential to add value to the product. Resources include equipment, parts, materials, space, energy, wor...
UK Publishes Policy Paper On Resources And Waste Strategy
On December 18, 2018, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and the Environment Agency of the United Kingdom (UK) published a policy paper titled “Our Waste, Our Resources: A Strate...
Waste on land: a warning for landowners
Fly-tipping continues to cause problems for businesses, governments and communities. Defra recently assessed the number of fly-tipping incidents during 2014-2015 at around 900,000 in England alone....
The 25 Year Environment Plan – A focus on waste
Earlier this year, the government published "A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment". As the title suggests, the Plan sets out the government's aspirations for protecting and e...
- Environment Bulletin: Waste Management
Court of Appeal Civil Division forms including form N244 to apply for a court order.... ... The full name of the case ... should not be inserted on the index if this would waste space ... There is a diagram at the back of this leaflet which shows how the pages should be ... numbered and what a supplementary bundle index ... ...