No. 10-4, December 2019
- Additional accepted languages for executing European Investigation Orders: Dismantling the Tower of Babel?
- Book Review: Legality in Europe: On the Principle Nullum Crimen, Nulla Poena Sine Lege in EU law and Under the ECHR
- Book Review: The Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home Affairs Research
- Brexit: A policy exposed
- ECtHR cases July–September 2019
- European arrest warrants and the independence of the issuing judicial authority – How much independence is required? (Case note on joined cases C-508/18 and C-82/19 PPU OG and PI)
- Exploring the penumbra of punishment under the ECHR
- Overruling ‘the Salduz Doctrine’ in Beuze v Belgium: The ECtHR’s further retreat from the Salduz principles on the right to access to lawyer
- The German Public Prosecutor as (no) judicial authority within the meaning of the European Arrest Warrant: A case note on the CJEU’s judgment in OG (C-508/18) and PI (C 82/19 PPU)
- The Italian Constitutional Court and the constitutionality of the criminalisation of assisted suicide of patients suffering from serious and incurable diseases
- “…And Justice for All?” The right to an independent tribunal after the ruling of the Court of Justice in LM