Documentary Evidence in UK Law
Gestmin SGPS S.A. v Credit Suisse (UK) Ltd and Another
Above all, it is important to avoid the fallacy of supposing that, because a witness has confidence in his or her recollection and is honest, evidence based on that recollection provides any reliable guide to the truth.
Julia Kogan v Nicholas Martin
It is one of a line of distinguished judicial observations that emphasise the fallibility of human memory and the need to assess witness evidence in its proper place alongside contemporaneous documentary evidence and evidence upon which undoubted or probable reliance can be placed. Heuristics or mental short cuts are no substitute for this essential judicial function.
Onassis and Calogeropoulos v Vergottis (Artemision II., Christina.)
Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation v Westinghouse Electric Corporation; Re Westinghouse Electric Corporation Uranium Contract Litigation M.D.L. Docket No. 235 (No. 1) and (No. 2)
The jurisdiction of English courts to order persons within its jurisdiction to provide oral or documentary evidence in aid of proceedings in foreign courts has always been exclusively statutory.
R (Mount Cook Land Ltd) v Westminster City Council
It follows that judges before whom contested permission applications are listed, and in their conduct of them, should discourage long hearings and/or the filing by both parties of voluminous documentary evidence for consideration at them.
RN (Returnees)
For example, a person who was unable to produce a Zanu-PF card might be asked to sing the latest Zanu-PF campaign songs. An inability to do so would be taken as evidence of disloyalty to the party and so of support for the opposition. Clearly, a person returning to Zimbabwe after some years living in the United Kingdom would be unlikely to be able to pass such a test.
Polanski v The Conde Nast Publications Ltd
- Documentary Hearsay and the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
The Privilege against Self-Incrimination
This article revisits the different justifications of the privilege against self-incrimination and examines two topical issues, the relation between the privilege and documentary evidence and the a...... ... two topical issue s, the relation between the privilege and documentary evidence and the applicability of the privilege to corporations, in light ... ...
Records management and accountability versus corruption, fraud and maladministration
Organisations and governments rarely see the connection between records management and the prevention of corruption, fraud and maladministration. This article gives an overview of what corruption a...... ... public sector’s ability to function effectively and provides documentary evidence to assist in ensuringaccountable and transparent government ... ...
Expenditure in British Public and Academic Libraries on Online Services
Future historians, using the documentary evidence remaining, might well be excused for believing that online searching was a major activity in libraries and information services in the 1970s and 80...... ... London Use and expenditure Future historians, using the documentary evi-dence remaining, might well be excused for believing that online ... is reasonable to suppose (although we do not, as yet, have direct evidence to support this) that this stems from a positive policy on the part of the ... ...
- Court Of Appeal Allows Party To Gather Documentary Evidence From Abroad
Bad Apples in a Rotten Barrel
In the United Kingdom, a former investigator of the Royal Military Police (RMP), speaking anonymously, alleges that Senior British army commanders in Iraq refused to investigate Iraqi civilian abus...... ... October 11th, the whistleblower claims that while he has seen documentary evidence of hundreds of incidences, involving death and serious injury to ... ...
National Bank Trust v Ilya Yurov: "a Ponzi scheme with a fancy name" – Proving Fraud in the English Courts
National Bank Trust v Ilya Yurov & Ors [2020] EWHC 100 (Comm) provides a useful insight to the English Court's approach to pleading and evidencing fraud, emphasising the importance of properly part...... ... the importance of properly particularised claims and documentary evidence ... The English Court rightly adopts a rigorous approach to ... ...
Have You Claimed All Your Capital Allowances?
... ... From April 2012 purchasers will require documentary evidence of the tax value of any fixtures which the vendor has pooled, in ... ...
Supplement for an application for an extension of an Education Supervision Order
Standard directions forms under the Children Act.... ... If you are relying on a report or ... other documentary evidence, state the date(s) and author(s) and enclose a copy ... ...
IOPN search: verify identity (PN1ID)
Form PN1ID: Evidence of identity when making a search of the index of proprietors' names....IOPN search – evidence of identity ... 1 Your details ... Full name: ... Current address: ... documentary evidence for the person you are acting for that ... demonstrates you are ... ...
Supplement for an application for an Education Supervision Order
Standard directions forms under the Children Act.... ... If you are relying on a report or ... other documentary evidence, state the date(s) and author(s) and enclose a copy ... The ... ...
Supplement for an application for a Child Assessment Order
Standard directions forms under the Children Act.... ... If you are relying on a report or other documentary evidence, state the date(s) and author(s) ... and enclose a copy ... C16 ... ...