Legal Personality in UK Law
- Separate Legal Personality
The Legal Personality of the Commonwealth of Australia
The article analyses legal materials concerning the legal personality of the Commonwealth of Australia under domestic law. It argues that the Commonwealth as legal person has an existence, as a uni...
- How to Become a Global Actor: Scotland's International Legal Personality
- Roland Portmann, Legal Personality in International Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 333 pp, hb £65.00.
The doctrine of piercing the corporate veil: Its legal and judicial recognition in Ethiopia
Upon acquisition of legal personality a company enjoys certain attributes such as limited liability. While the separate legal personality of a company enables it to enjoy rights and assume obligati...... ... V EIL : I TS L EGAL AND J UDICIAL R ECOGNITION IN E THIOPIA ... Endalew Lijalem Enyew ♣ ... Upon acquisition of legal personality a company enjoys certain attributes such as limited liability. While the separate legal personality of a company enables it to enjoy rights and ... ...
Reforming the governance structure of China's state‐owned enterprises
Over the last 20 years, China's state‐owned enterprises have been the subject of significant reform. As discussed in this article, they were previously state‐run work units within the centralized g...... ... they have been transformed in such away as to have a recognized legal personality. Provision has also been made for them to bereconstituted as ... ...
Public organizations are not only subject to statutory obligations to give account, but they also commit themselves voluntarily to additional accountability practices. What motivates the organizati...... ... Agencies without legal" personality render less voluntary account. INTRODUCTION In November 2000, \xEF" ... ...
Who are Law's Persons? From Cheshire Cats to Responsible Subjects
What is it to be a legal person? A review of the jurisprudence of persons reveals considerable confusion about this central legal question, as well as deep intellectual divisions. To certain jurist...... ... Cats to Responsible Subjects Ngaire Naffine n What is it to be a legal person? A review of the jurisprudence of persons reveals considerable ... clarity to these scholarly debates about the nature of legal personality. It also considers their implications for feminist legal theorists, with ... ...
Towards international human rights law applied to armed groups
... ... , has developed overthe last two decades and become the de facto legal regime for armed non-State actors. This regimehas displaced and weakened ... Tracing armed groups humanrights obligations and legal personality to treaty and customary law, the lecture concludes withproposals to hold ... ...
Personality testing in employment settings. Problems and issues in the application of typical selection practices
Complex issues arise when personality variables are incorporated into traditional approaches to personnel selection. Personality assessment and testing in employment contexts is more complicated th...... ... -dimensionality of personality; bias associated with social desirability,impression management, and faking in top-down selection models; and the legal implications ofpersonality assessmentin employment contexts. Recommends that practitioners and researchersbecognizant of these issues in the use of ... ...
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