HM Revenue and Customs v Total Network SL
Jurisdiction | UK Non-devolved |
Judgment Date | 12 March 2008 |
Neutral Citation | [2008] UKHL 19 |
Date | 12 March 2008 |
Court | House of Lords |
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158 cases
IMG Data Ltd v Perform Content Services Ltd
...for these purposes because there was no requirement that the means be actionable, on the basis of Revenue and Customs v Total Network [2008] 1 AC 1174. The Court of Appeal also reintroduced the instrumentality requirement, borrowed from Lord Nicholls in the OBG case of causing loss by unlaw......
Ocean Chimo Ltd v Royal Bank (Jamaica) Ltd (RBC) and Others
...then it is actionable as an unlawful means conspiracy. The claimant would have the evidential burden at trial. In Total Network SL v Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs [2008] UKHL 19, at para.91, Lord Walker was prepared to hazard a guess that breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duty ......
Bram Enterprises Ltd. et al. v. A.I. Enterprises Ltd. et al., (2014) 453 N.R. 273 (SCC)
...43]. Rookes v. Barnard, [1964] A.C. 1129, refd to. [para. 52]. Total Network SL v. United Kingdom (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs), [2008] 1 A.C. 1174; 385 N.R. 310; [2008] UKHL 19, refd to. [para. 53]. Sanders v. Snell, [1998] HCA 64; 196 C.L.R. 329, refd to. [para. 54]. OBG: Canberra D......
Bram Enterprises Ltd. et al. v. A.I. Enterprises Ltd. et al., (2014) 416 N.B.R.(2d) 1 (SCC)
...43]. Rookes v. Barnard, [1964] A.C. 1129, refd to. [para. 52]. Total Network SL v. United Kingdom (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs), [2008] 1 A.C. 1174; 385 N.R. 310; [2008] UKHL 19, refd to. [para. 53]. Sanders v. Snell, [1998] HCA 64; 196 C.L.R. 329, refd to. [para. 54]. OBG: Canberra D......
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3 firm's commentaries
2021 Year in Review - Civil Fraud
...we may see aspects of the decision revisited once again.1 [2021] UKSC 24 2 [2007] UKHL 213 [1966] 1 WLR 1234 4 (2018) 134 LQR 695 [2008] UKHL 19 © 2022 Akin Gum p Strauss Hauer & Feld 72021 Year in Review - Civil Fra udLeeds City Council and Newham LBC v Barclays Bank Plc [2021] EWHC 363 (C......
Family breeds contempt: the expansion of the tort of conspiracy by unlawful means
...simpler to establish given that the Courts will look to the formation of the conspiracy itself to find a UK nexus. 1 [2017] EWCA Civ 40 2 [2008] UKHL 19 3 [2010] EWHC 774 (Ch) Amanda CowellCharlie Mercer...
Interference With Economic Relations: A Comparative Analysis Of American And Anglo-Canadian Approaches
...cause loss to the claimant. OBG Ltd. v. Allan [2007] UKHL 21, [47] (per Lord Hoffman); see also Total Network SL v. Revenue and Customs [2008] UKHL 19 (where the House of Lords distinguishes the torts of intentional interference and conspiracy). The distinction in the United Kingdom, as in ......
18 books & journal articles
Contract formation
...v Livsey [2003] QB 36 at 62 [31], per aldous LJ; Dene Construction Ltd v Antshire Ltd [2006] EWhC 2567 (TCC); Total Networks SL v HMRC [2008] UKhL 19 at [50], per Lord Scott; Pickersgill v Tsoukalas [2009] SaSC 357 (26 BCL 427); Royal Bank of Scotland Plc v Chandra [2010] EWhC 105 (Ch) at [......
Table of Cases
...277 Total Network SL v. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Commissioners, [2008] UKHL 19............................................................... 328 Transco plc v. Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, [2004] 1 All E.R. 589 (H.L.) ..........................................................
Table of cases
...295 Total Network SL v Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Commissioners, [2008] UKHL 19 ...............................................................348 Transco plc v Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, [2004] 1 All ER 589 (HL) ................................................................
Table of cases
...292 Total Network SL v. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Commissioners, [2008] UKHL 19 ............................................................... 345 Transco plc v. Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, [2004] 1 All E.R. 589 (H.L.) .........................................................
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