Charity in UK Law
Charity Art Auctions
Using a unique panel data set of art auctions on eBay, we conduct an empirical analysis of the impact of charity status on the outcome of an auction and find it to be substantial. Charity status in...
Charity Commission.
...Jon Thorne has been appointed head of financial regulation at the Charity Commission. Thorne originally trained with a firm of chartered accountants in Sheffield and joined the commission in 1992. During this time he has provided financial advisory s......
...Employees of Big Five accountancy firm Deloitte and Touche have raised over 5,000 [pounds sterling] by cycling from London to Cambridge. The event, which is part of a series of fundraising activities, was in aid of the National Society for the Preven......
- “Selling Charity”
Charity seeks expertise.
...International development charity VSO has launched a campaign to recruit 500 exceptional people to accept the VSO challenge in 2010. It will match the skills of professional volunteers to placements where their expertise can improve the lives of thos......
Duties of Charity, Duties of Justice
Everyone agrees we have duties of charity, however restrictive a view they take of our duties of justice. But duties of charity can sometimes be stronger than duties of justice, and where they are,...
The employment law implications of charity mergers
Examines the employment law implications for charities considering merger. Considers the employment law problems that are involved in charity mergers and the different strategies that have been emp...
The Meaning of Charity in Locke's Political Thought
The recent `religious turn' within Locke scholarship has stressed the need to understand his theological commitments when approaching his political thought. One area of interpretation that has been...
Charity committee seeks candidates.
...The Charity Commission and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) have formed a joint body for creating a statement of recommended practice (Sorp) for UK charities. They have also guaranteed to restructure the Sorp committee to deepen th......
Charity affiliation as a determinant of product purchase decisions
A number of large UK charities have extended their product sales into areas not traditionally associated with non‐profit organisations. Examines the connection between a person’s assessment of the ...
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