Competition in UK Law
Sel-imperial Ltd (Claimant Respondent) v The British Standards Institution (Defendant Applicant)
Moreover, it is important that competition claims are pleaded properly. To contend that a party has infringed competition law involves a serious allegation of breach of a quasi-public law, which can indeed lead to the imposition of financial penalties as well as civil liability. A defendant faced with such a claim is entitled to know what specific conduct or agreement is complained of and how that is alleged to violate the law.
Moreover, one can consider the hypothetical possibility of a situation where BSI decided that it would restrict the number of repairers, whether generally or by region, to which it would grant a Kitemark in respect of PAS 125. That could clearly result in a severe restriction of competition. It is no answer to say that BSI as a responsible body would never contemplate such action.
Heathrow Hub Ltd v The Secretary of State for Transport
Before we consider these points of competition law, however, we should stress one fundamental point regarding Ground 1. This is a claim for judicial review and the Claimants are seeking (and seeking only) the quashing of the Secretary of State's decision to designate the ANPS. This is a public law ground and the remedy sought is a public law remedy. The Claimants have chosen to bring a competition law claim not as a self-standing claim, but within the framework of a claim for judicial review.
The fact is that Ground 1 seeks to question something done by the Secretary of State in the course of preparing the ANPS, namely the preference decision, where that decision did not, even potentially, affect competition or market structure, whilst seeking to quash the designation of the ANPS. However, the designation of the ANPS was not affected by the promoter-specific risk.
British Association of European Pharmaceutical Distributors and Another, R v Secretary of State for Health
However, there was no evidence which supported that assertion. Although it was clear on the evidence that a dramatic price reduction would usually be made at the time the patent protection expired, a branded product could still command a premium over its generic product, as a premium is inherent in the value of a brand.
BHB Enterprises Plc v Victor Chandler (International) Ltd
These are notoriously burdensome allegations, frequently leading to extensive evidence, including expert reports from economists and accountants. The recent history of cases in which such allegations have been raised illustrate that they can lead to lengthy and expensive trials. Before a party has to respond to an allegation like this, it is incumbent on the party making the allegation to set out clearly and succinctly the major facts upon which it will rely.
Software Cellular Network Ltd v T-Mobile (UK) Ltd
It is a feature of the way in which mobile telephone services work across different networks that several services are involved. These include the services of access, origination and termination. For present purposes the services of access and origination can be treated as providing a person with the ability to access a network and to originate a call from it.
Warlord Competition
Warlords compete for turf that provides them with rents and `taxable' resources, but they can also offer a semblance of security within their respective territories. This article first examines two...
- Competition
Stiff competition.
...[FIGURE OMITTED] "Click this link to visit our web site to see our full range of celebrity services, including how to book a dead celebrity through our 'dead famous' department." The Celebrity Group. ......
Healthy competition.
...Derek Murphy makes a good point about healthcare (Letters, October 2002). There is an ongoing debate about whether health services are a private or a public good. Private medical services are efficient and quick, but costly. Public medicine is cheape......
- EC Competition Law
Competition Litigation Update
The English Courts will continue this year to consider several issues that will shape the future of private damages actions for infringements of competition law.
- Competition Commission Groceries Market Investigation
- Antitrust/Competition
Court of Appeal Civil Division forms including form N244 to apply for a court order.... ... Skeleton argument ... Chronology of relevant events ... Competition Appeal Tribunal ruling being appealed ... (determination) ... Competition Appeal Tribunal ruling on permission to ... ... ...
Acknowledgment of service (Part 8)
County Court forms including the N1 money claim form.... ... Act 1986. Please insert the name of any relevant company in the box below.) ... has not committed a breach of competition law within the meaning of section 9A(4) of the Company ... Directors Disqualification Act 1986 ... The court office at ... is open between 10 am and ... ...
Court of Appeal Civil Division forms including form N244 to apply for a court order.... ... First Tier Tribunal there is no right of appeal to the Court of Appeal.); ... • the Employment Appeal Tribunal; ... • the Competition Appeal Tribunal ... The Upper Tribunal is the appeal tribunal where the decision appealed is made by the First ... Tier Tribunal ... The Employment ... ...