No. 86-3, September 2020
- Agents never become stewards: explaining the lack of innovation in public–private partnerships
- Does vertical administrative integration of environmental monitoring at the provincial level effectively motivate firms to improve environmental behaviour in China?
- Effective academic–practitioner collaboration on gender research in federal law enforcement: the value of a coproduction process
- Evaluation of decentralization and commercialization in the urban water sector of Yemen
- Person–job fit matters in parastatal institutions: Testing the mediating effect of person–job fit in the relationship between talent management and employee outcomes
- Policy advisory styles in the francophone Belgian civil service
- Public servants, anonymity, and political activity online: bureaucratic neutrality in peril?
- Reforming a state in formation: from Structural Adjustment Programs to Results-Based Management – lessons from two decades of administrative reform in Cameroon
- Strengthen governability rather than deepen democracy: why local governments introduce participatory governance
- The co-production of public value in community development: can street-level professionals make a difference?
- Top management teams’ shared leadership and ambidexterity: the role of management control systems