No. 28-5, October 2021
- 20 Years of the SE Regulation – The Rise of a Specific Purpose Vehicle?
- A resisting enclave of social rights – protecting the children of former workers: C-181/19 Jobcenter Krefeld – Widerspruchsstelle v JD
- Bringing the EU up to speed in the protection of living standards through fundamental social rights: Drawing positive lessons from the experience of the Council of Europe
- Case C-336/19 Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België: Animal welfare and freedom of religion
- Cross-border exchange of tax information upon request and fundamental rights – Can the right balance be struck?: Joined cases C-245/19 and C-246/2019 État luxembourgeois contre B
- Enforcing WTO/GATS law and fundamental rights in EU infringement proceedings: An analysis of the ECJ’s ruling in Case C-66/18 Central European University
- Headscarves and the CJEU: Protecting fundamental rights or pandering to prejudice
- The Commission’s digital services and markets act proposals: First step towards tougher and more directly enforced EU rules?
- Tort conflicts rules in cross-border multi-party litigation: Which law has a closer or the closest connection?