No. 28-6, December 2021
- Additional (maternity) leave for women only? The Court of Justice refines its Hofmann test in Syndicat CFTC (C-463/19) yet forgets about the children
- Case C-243/19 A v. Veselības ministrija
- Coherence in law: A way to stimulate the transition towards a circular economy? A critical analysis of the European Commission's aspiration to achieve full coherence between chemicals legislation and waste legislation – and product legislation
- Disability in employment equality law: A reappraisal of the reasonable accommodation duty and issues arising in its implementation
- Evolving artificial intelligence and robotics in medicine, evolving European law. Comparative remarks based on the surgery litigation
- Integration duties in the European Union: Four models
- Microtargeted propaganda by foreign actors: An interdisciplinary exploration
- On sovereign bonds and marijuana: Comparing supremacy limits in the US and the EU
- The Danger of Judicial Nationalism
- The Euro Group and judicial protection: Has the Court of Justice created a loophole?
- The Tango Between Art.17(3) Brussels Ibis and Art.6(4)(b) Rome I under the Beat of Package Travel Directive