London Publishing Partnership (Books and Journals)
- Construction Disputes. Seeking Sensible Solutions by: London Publishing Partnership, 2021
- Construction Law. Volume I - Third Edition by: London Publishing Partnership, 2020
- Construction Law. Volume II - Third Edition by: London Publishing Partnership, 2020
- Construction Law. Volume III - Third Edition by: London Publishing Partnership, 2020
- About the Author
- Preliminary Sections
- A Tribute to Stephen Hepburn
- Foreword by Husam Gawish
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
Managing Construction Projects to Prevent Disputes
All parties to a construction project should have the same goal: to execute and complete the works to a high standard, on time and within budget. If these goals, these common objectives, are achieved, disputes will have been prevented, or at least minimized. The importance of careful planning and thorough preparation cannot be overemphasized. Careful planning by the employer at the conception...
Wise Contract and Claim Management
To prevent or minimize disputes, all parties must learn to communicate – talk to each other, listen to each other, understand each other's views and positions. Effective communication will go a long way towards preventing misunderstandings, disagreements and conflict. Late notices of claims, or no notices at all, run the risk of claims being rejected on a ‘time bar' basis, whether such rejections
- Construction Claims: The Investigation
- The Covid-19 Pandemic
- Preparing Claims to Persuade a Tribunal
Seeking That Sensible Solution: Negotiation
The most natural and cost-effective way of finding sensible solutions is through constructive dialogue: through negotiation. If negotiations are to succeed, careful preparation, realistic expectations and the desire to reach agreement are essential. If both parties, or at least one of them, adopt some of the principled negotiation techniques outlined above, the chances are that the parties will...
When Negotiations Fail: Alternative Dispute Resolution
It makes perfect sense for parties to find solutions to their differences/disputes, either between themselves through direct negotiation or with the help of a third party or third parties. The objective is (or should be) to avoid time-consuming and costly arbitration or litigation. In the vast majority of projects I have worked on, disputes have been resolved when dispute resolution methods have...
When All Attempts to Settle Fail: Arbitration
The priority for the tribunal, and for the parties, is to ensure an efficient and cost-effective arbitration. A sound starting point for an efficient arbitration is the arbitration agreement. If the parties intend their disputes to be settled by way of arbitration, this must be made clear in the arbitration agreement. If the agreement is not absolutely clear that disputes shall be settled in...
- Conclusion: Seeking Sensible Solutions
- Further Reading
- Defects
- Preliminary Sections
- Index
- About The Author
- Preliminary Sections
- Foreword to the first edition
- About the author
- Preface to the third edition
- Consultants
- Preface to the second edition
- Intellectual property
- Preface to the first edition
- Insurance
- Table of abbreviations