No. 36-2, June 2018
- Differences between experts and novices when reading with navigational table of contents
- No strings attached? Challenges and successes in creating a flexible, wire-free active learning classroom
- Filter bubbles in interdisciplinary research: a case study on climate and society
- Public library mobile apps in Scotland: views from the local authorities and the public
- Apps on laps: digital storytimes in public libraries in Aotearoa New Zealand
- eReadiness of public university libraries in Malawi to use mobile phones in the provision of library and information services
- Impacts of quality antecedents on faculty members’ acceptance of electronic resources
- Beyond metrics. Connecting academic library makerspace assessment practices with organizational values
- Heuristic evaluation of e-dictionaries
- Image embedded metadata in cultural heritage digital collections on the web. An analytical study
- Corpus linguistics is not just for linguists. Considering the potential of computer-based corpus methods for library and information science research