No. 34-1, March 2016
- Which platform should I choose? Factors influencing consumers’ channel transfer intention from web-based to mobile library service
- Children use second-and third-dimensional digital library interfaces
- Building a scalable mobile library orientation activity with Edventure Builder
- Reducing noise in the academic library: the effectiveness of installing noise meters
- THC-DAT: a document analysis tool based on topic hierarchy and context information
- Legal deposit of electronic books – a review of challenges faced by national libraries
- From query analysis to user information needs: a study of campus map searches
- Refocusing mobile makerspace outreach efforts internally as professional development
- User perceptions of ICT at the American University of Kuwait Library
- A complete system for publishing music-related ETDs. Technology development and publishing model
- Using web2py Python framework for creating data-driven web applications in the academic library
- Managing and mining historical research data