No. 36-1, March 2018
- Accessible search and the role of metadata
- Holograms in libraries – the potential for education, promotion and services
- Student responses to an animated character in information literacy instruction
- The application of near-automated georeferencing technique to a strip of historic aerial photographs in GIS
- Improving the visibility of library resources via mapping library subject headings to Wikipedia articles
- The design of early childhood makerspaces to support positive technological development. Two case studies
- Ranking authors in academic social networks: a survey
- Factors influencing people’s health knowledge adoption in social media. The mediating effect of trust and the moderating effect of health threat
- Establishing evaluation criteria for e-dictionaries
- Motivating issues affecting students’ use of social media sites in Ghanaian tertiary institutions
- Overcoming disintermediation: a call for librarians to learn to use web service APIs