No. 34-2, June 2016
- Towards an understanding of data work in context. Emerging issues of economy, governance, and ethics
- Search engine optimization. A case study using the bibliographies of LG Science Land in Korea
- Implementation and evaluation of mobile e-books in a cloud bookcase using the information system success model
- Use of smartphones by art and design students for accessing library services and learning
- Cataloging the 3D web: the availability of educational 3D models on the internet
- Extraction, analysis and publication of bibliographical references within an institutional repository
- Low-barrier-to-entry data tools: creating and sharing humanities data
- Information literacy instruction in Chinese universities: MOOCs versus the traditional approach
- Constructing linkage between libraries and up-to-date news
- A study to evaluate the digitization level of Korean libraries (part II)
- Internet of Things – potential for libraries