No. 97-2, June 2019
- An organizational approach to public governance: Understanding and design
- Are transformational and transactional types of leadership compatible? A two‐wave study of employee motivation
- Contestants, profiteers, and the political dynamics of marketization: How shareholders gained control rights in Britain, Germany, and France
- EU referendums in context: What can we learn from the Swiss case?
- From environmental policy concepts to practicable tools: Knowledge creation and delegation in multilevel systems
- How can network leaders promote public value through soft metagovernance?
- Integration, functional differentiation and problem‐solving in multilevel governance
- Leadership for public value: Political astuteness as a conceptual link
- Leading and recognizing public value
- Leading knowledge mobilization for public value: The case of the congestion charge zone (Area C) in Milan
- Learning from the Commission case: The comparative study of management change in international public administrations
- Multilevel governance and problem‐solving: Towards a dynamic theory of multilevel policy‐making?
- Mutual dependence or state dominance? Large private suppliers and the British state 2010–15
- Navigating tensions in co‐production: A missing link in leadership for public value
- Neoliberal governing through social enterprise: Exploring the neglected roles of deviance and ignorance in public value creation
- Public administration, public leadership and the construction of public value in the age of the algorithm and ‘big data’
- Table of Contents
- Tipping the scales: The causes and consequences of administrative spending
- Understanding relationships between public service motivation and involvement in socio‐political organizations: Perspectives of organizational field theory