No. 97-3, September 2019
- A dynamic theoretical framework of gradual institutional changes
- Adding rooms onto a house we love: Central banking after the global financial crisis
- Central banks under stress: Reputation, accountability and regulatory coherence
- Central banks’ communication as reputation management: How the Fed talks under uncertainty
- Choice and vulnerability in aging societies: Understanding the impact of age on user capacity
- Customized implementation of European Union food safety policy: United in diversity?
- From ‘trial and error’ to major reform: The politics of Medicare demonstration projects
- Is resilience enough? The macroprudential reform agenda and the lack of smoothing of the cycle
- Multiple principals, multiple problems: Implications for effective governance and a research agenda for joint service delivery
- Reconceptualizing layering—From mode of institutional change to mode of institutional design: Types and outputs
- Regulators and the quest for coherence in finance: The case of loss absorbing capacity for banks
- Shared services in Brazilian local government: Urban development in small counties
- Something old, something new, something borrowed: Explaining varieties of professionalism in citizen collaboration through identity theory
- Table of Contents
- The parliamentary scrutiny of euro area national central banks
- The professional politics of the austerity debate: A comparative field analysis of the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund
- The role of social structure for governing natural resources in decentralized political systems: Insights from governing a fishery in Indonesia
- The state and civil society: Regulating interest groups, parties and public benefit organizations in contemporary democracies